Former Members

Postdoctoral Associates
Lilan HongLilan Hong
Lilan is now a professor at Zheijiang University in Hangzhou, China. 
Vijaya Lakshmi Batalla
Vijaya now works at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.
Visiting Scientists
Mathilde DumondMathilde Dumond
Mathilde is currently a PhD student at ENS de Lyon in France, and in the lab of Areski Boudaoud.
Yong ZhouYong Zhou
Yong is currently a Lecturer at Yangzhou University.
Pengtao WangPengtao Wang Sebastian MorenoSebastian Moreno
Sebastian is a graduate student in Rodrigo Gutierrez’s lab.
Weiwei ChenWeiwei Chen Xiaogong_LiuXiaogang Liu
ChangZhongyuan Chang
Zhongyuan is finishing his PhD at Nanjing Agriculture University
Graduate Students
Xian QuXian Qu
Xian is now a Software Engineer at Amazon.
Heather MeyerHeather Meyer
Heather is now a Senior Scientist at Mozza.
Dana RobinsonDana Robinson
Dana is now a technical specialist at Clark and Elbing LLP.
Mingyuan ZhuMingyuan Zhu
Mingyuan is a now a postdoc in Philip Benfey’s Lab at Duke University.
Joseph CammarataJoseph Cammarata
Joseph is now a postdoctoral scholar in Lucia Strader’s Lab at Duke University.
Kate HarlineKate Harline
Frances ClarkFrances Clark Shuyao Kong
Master’s Students
Lila LunaLila Luna
Lila is a scientist at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Jessica McGoryJessica McGory
Jessica is a graduate student at University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Clint KoClint Ko
Clint earned his PhD from MIT in Adam Martin’s lab and is now a postdoc in the Shyer lab at Rockefeller.
Ashley SmithAshley Smith
Prerana-ChattyPrerana Chatty
Prerana will be attending Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

Catherine ChenCatherine Chen

Catherine is a medical student at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine.

Madhurima ChowdhuryMadhurima Chowdhury
Madhurima is currently attending New York Medical College.
Lingzhen KongLingzhen Kong
Xinran MaXinran Ma
Xinran is a PhD student at Columbia University.
Yilei HuangYilei Huang
Haarika SrinathHaarika Srinath
Haarika is a medical student at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California.
arabidopsis_flowerEllen Haines
Youngmoo_KimYoungmoo Kim Zahava_RojerZahava Rojer
Salaiha MughalSalaiha Mughal
Salaiha graduated with Honors in 2022.
Carly RodriguezCarly Rodriguez
Carly was temporarily a Post-Baccalaureate in the Roeder Lab.
Patrick KleesPatrick Klees
Patrick is currently in a Post-Baccalaureate program at the NIH.
Zihang_WangXihang Wang
Xihang is a medical student at Johns Hopkins University.
Emily PhungEmily Phung
Emily is a Research Technician at North Carolina State University.
Anabella Maria Galang
BTI REU Interns
Chelsea AlvaradoChelsea Alvarado
Chelsea is currently attending medical school at the University of Maryland at Baltimore.
Anna MarksAnna Marks
Anna will be joining the lab of Mirit Aladjem at the NIH.
Zhou WangZhou Wang
Zhou is a consulting analyst at Accenture.
Nicholas OftenNicholas Often
Stephanie BrockeStephanie Brocke
Stephanie is a graduate student in the Biological and Biomedical Science Program at UNC Chapel Hill.
Halle WelchHalle Welch
Halle is continuing her undergraduate studies at University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Christopher_FarfanChristopher Morales Farfan Ryan PrebleRyan Preble
Iselle_BarriosIselle Barrios
Iselle is continuing her undergraduate studies at MIT.
Kyle Procopio headshotKyle J Procopio
Kyle is continuing his undergraduate studies at the Millersville University of Pennsylvania.
Nicolas Velasco Sanchez Carrington Thompson
High School Interns
Harry_HouHaoxiang (Harry) Hou Nora Steward
Administrative Assistants
R. Catherine SmithR. Catherine Smith
Catherine is now on a once in a lifetime adventure:
Melanie WetzelMelanie Wetzel
Melanie is now an Administrative Assistant at the Space Sciences Building at Cornell.